Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year, New Camera, New Blog!!!

Hi all!!!

As you can see by my title, 2010 is a year of NEW! Yesterday, we purchased a brand spankin new Nikon D3000. I love it OH SO MUCH. Obviously, as soon as I got it home, I had to play.



All with the theme of ALL THINGS NEW, I've been working (forever now) on a revamped blog. Coming soon!!!! I will keep you guys up on it. Three may be a few technical issues. Bear with me.

Today has been extremely busy. Ryan and I started out bright and early. We hit the gym and ran a boatload of errands even though we were all sweaty. When we got home, we were starved. We don't have much in the fridge since we've been trying to eat up all our food in preparation for our 8 day trip to Indiana. We leave Monday. So, we took quick showers and hit up Lake Murray Cafe. It's a cute little local joint.

Normally, the food is amazing. Today, my food was just okay. A bit on the greasy side.

I started off with decaf coffee with milk.


I had the Pride Bird - grilled turkey, swiss, bacon, tomato, with a side of fruit.


Like I said, it was just okay.

I just put potatoes and a pork roast in the crockpot. Should be a very delicious supper! Talk to you then!

--Mrs. Myers



  1. Looking forward to seeing the new blog... and the new attitude.

  2. Yay for a new camera! That first picture is so simple but yet so beautiful! Can't wait to see the new blog =)


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