Monday, November 23, 2009

How to Feel Fabulous on a Budget

Hey All,

Today has been non-stop. Well, except for that small nap I took, but, otherwise, all work. lol. I had an early morning. We didn't get home last night until 10:30 after our friend's going away party. So, this morning, I got up at 4:45 to do my math homework. Yay. I had to be at class at 7:30. (At least that partly explains my nap.)

After class, I worked. I did eat, but it was nothing spectacular and I was bent over my laptop all day long.

This evening I made another fabulous Bloggie-style Tuna Helper because we were out of food and that's all our roommate had. I used olive oil instead of butter, threw in a few leftover whole-grain rotini noodles and some peas. It actually turned out really tasty. I served with a side salad (again, we had no food, so iceberg and cheese was it), and we split an orange. I didn't eat the salad though. He ate mine.


After that, I headed to the 99 Cent store and Vons. I highly recommend always always going to the 99 Cent store BEFORE the grocery store. They have some serious deals.

Organic Rice Milk (chocolate!) Cha-ching!


Eight Roma Tomatoes Cha-ching-ching


I also purchased:
-a head of cauliflower
-a loaf of whole wheat bread
-Del Monte tomatoe sauce
-two cans tuna in water (.79/each!)
- Yoplait Light for hubby (.39/each!)
- a box of tuna helper (to replace the one I borrowed from roommie)
- napkins and paper towel
- Candies Sunglasses!!! Yaaaaay


Fun new shades: $0.99
Feeling Fabulous: Priceless

Have a happy, productive, FABULOUS Tuesday.


-Mrs. Myers



  1. We have £1 shops here but they don't sell many groceries, just a few tinned items. They do sell some usefull items and I often get different cups, plates etc for pictures on my blog.


  2. I love the new shades! They are awesome!

  3. hehe why does those tomatoes looks so green! so cute:-)))
    How do you like rice milk? I had tried them once , yet I don't really like that kind of texture. Let me know how's this one:-) it look pretty good though:D

  4. I love tuna and pasta- and peas! Such a comforting combo!

  5. This is the same 99 cent store across the parking lot from where I work, I am presuming? hehe


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